What is ‘TROT Product’
- It is a freely tradable product representing one square ft built-up area in a realty project
- Its holder has an option to buy a realty unit in future on the TROT terms and at a pre-fixed rate
- It is a unique realty retail hedge product offering good returns, safety & liquidity
- A person can buy even one TROT product at a time and build his/her stock over a period or,
- He/she can resale it in the market at any time to liquidate his/her investment
- A TROT unit can be bought and sold on TROT e-trade platform just like gold on commodity market or any share or debenture on a share market
- It is traded in d-mat format
- Just enter user name and password and deal in TROT products on-line
- All payments are assured through a secured payment gateway
- Developer of the realty project sales its TROT products
- You can resale it any time through TROT e-Trade Platform
- TROT product is backed by certain guarantees and warrantees as per the TROT terms
- It is decided by the market – a demand and supply function
- It is expected to be present value of the compensation receivable on a future date. It may be discounted by (say, average bank fixed deposit interest X 120 %) for the period till the future ‘Buy-date’
- This TROT product market rate will be further adjusted by the property market rate movement by a factor linked to the threshold stock % as specified for each category of TROT products
- Justified price with detailed computations is available for every category of the TROT products
- Select the property you wish to buy
- Its cost, drawings along with the number of TROT products required and the ‘pre-fixed amount’ to be paid to acquire it under TROT terms will be displayed
- If you are short, buy from the market (Select ‘Buy/sale Trot’ from the menu) and then offer
the same for surrender as above - Surrender the No of TROT products (Equal to sq ft built-up area of the flat) through TROT e-Trade Platform
to the developer - Contract the developer for execution of the property purchase agreement and pay the pre-fixed price to the developer directly
- Stamp duty, registration charges and other charges as specified in the TROT terms are additional
- No shock of unspecified charges or of sudden additional demands
- Any time after the ‘Buy-date’ as already specified for each category of the TROT products
- But before the TROT products are ‘Recalled’ by the developer against payment of the compensation
Very unlikely if threshold built-up areas are still in stocks as per TROT records
If undelivered in spite of availability of the threshold stock, the developer will pay you within a week the compensation will be amount being:
Add: Maximum selling rate achieved by the developer for the category of the property covered under the TROT productsB
Less: Pre-fixed amount for the flat you were supposed to pay for the flat
If you do not receive the compensation within a week, lodge a complaint with us We will follow the required legal course
Meanwhile, we have insurance cover to protect you from any loss
Your compensation payment will be paid within a week from the date of lodging of the complaint
A minimum threshold built-up area is reserved for each category of TROT products
It is displayed in ‘Project Details’ as well in ‘TROT Product details’
Or you can just enter your TROT product no in the search and all details are displayed
Any time after the ‘Recall day’ you can claim the compensation
Even before that you can just sale your TROT products
You surrender your TROT products to claim the compensation through TROT e-Trade Platform
You need not approach any developer to claim the compensation
It is simple and just a few clicks are required
Your compensation amount is credited to your bank account the same day
Flat chosen by you out of the available floating stock will be delivered on payment of the pre-fixed price under the TROT terms
If the developer defaults, he shall pay you a compensation based on market rate of the property
If the developer fails to pay the compensation, TROT Trading shall buy the TROT products at the market rate
The developer shall recall all the outstanding TROT products of a category within a reasonable time after the Buy-date
The developer shall recall the TROT products against payment of compensation
TROT Realty shall always ensure Payment Gateway tie-up for immediate and direct credits to your bank account
It is the additional amount you will be required to pay to acquire a flat under TROT terms
It is shown as Rs per sq ft of built-up area
It is fixed and disclosed by the developer at the time of the first sale of the TROT products
To acquire a flat, surrender the number of TROT products (equal to built-up ft2 area of the flat) and pay the pre-fixed price depending on the area of the flat
Pre-fixed rate is disclosed as part of details of each category of TROT products
Pre-fixed rate saves you from any increase in the property rates in future when want to buy a flat The rate is fixed irrespective of the market rate
So, it is a method to provide you a hedge cover
TROT product purchase cost + ‘pre-fixed rate’ = Your rate for purchase of the flat
A developer will maintain a % of built-up area of every category as ‘Floating stock
You can view the Floating Stocks for each category of TROT products as a part of the TROT Product details
TROT Realty has an effective system to verify and update the floating stocks on daily basis
The developer can sale the areas from the Floating Stocks in the market only under certain conditions
Floating Stock and Threshold Stock levels as reduced by:
- The area sold in the market against deposits in the Recall Deposit Bank Account
- Areas sold under TROT terms to TROT product holders
Shall be maintained by the developer till the Recall Date
Floating Stock and Threshold Stock levels as reduced by:
- The area sold in the market against deposits in the Recall Deposit Bank Account
- Areas sold under TROT terms to TROT product holders
Shall be maintained by the developer till the Recall Date
He shall deposit the compensation payable per TROT product for every sq ft shortfall in the Floating stock to be maintained in the Recall Deposit Bank Account If he fails to
- Deposit the amounts at any time; or
- Fails to maintain the Threshold Stock level
All the TROT products sold by him any time earlier will be forced to be recalled for payment of compensation to its holders
We will follow the required legal course
Meanwhile, we have insurance cover to protect you from any loss
A date declared by the developer on or after which TROT products can be returned back against payment of the compensation
The date shall always be after the ‘Buy-date’
Period between the ‘Buy-date’ and ‘Recall Date’ can be called as a window of opportunity
A TROT holder can be acquired property under the TROT terms during this period
The window of opportunity will be for a minimum period of three months
It may exceed and can be 2 years depending on the terms of sale of the TROT products
The terms are displayed as part of the TROT product details
It is the period from the date of first sale of the TROT products till the ‘Buy-date’
Normally it is the period during which the built-up stocks would be ready for delivery
In other words, it is the period required to execute the project
It can be any period, say, 3 years or 5 years (Normally not to exceed 5 years)
It is declared at the time of first sale of the TROT products
It is displayed as part of the TROT product details
It is fixed per TROT product for every category of the TROT products
It is declared at the time of the first sale of the TROT products
In certain categories of TROT products, it would be linked to the market rates of the properties as on the ‘Recall-date’
It is declared before sale of any TROT product
It is displayed as part of the TROT product details
TROT e-Trade Platform will display your TROT products due for claiming the compensation
You will also get regular reminders
Just select the TROT products to be surrendered for compensation and confirm using TROT e Trade Platform
Your compensation will be credited to your bank account the same day or next day out of the Recall deposit Account of the developer
You can buy 1 or any number of TROT products as available in the market for sale
Any time at your choice
Log in to TROT e-Trade Platform and select TROT products to be sold
Confirm the sale
Your sale consideration will be credited to your bank account the same day or next day
Just log-in to TROT e-Trade Platform
Select ‘Buy/sale TROT Products’
Select TROT products you want to sale and confirm the sale
It is sold
Your sale consideration will be credited to your bank account the same day or the next day
At present no taxes are applicable
TROT Realty will keep you informed from time to time of any taxes as may become applicable in future
TROT Realty has arrangement with a secured payment portal
All deposits and credits are made to a designated account
No amount can be withdrawn by TROT Realty or any party other than availed by the payment portal for payment of the amount/s due under any TROT transaction
Presently it is free
A transaction fee may be charged in future
It will be restricted to the amount required to recover direct expenses incurred/to be incurred for execution of the transaction
You may deposit to the designated bank account by cash, cheque, credit/debit card, internet banking transfer
For payment through cheque, it should be accepted by the counter party to the transaction as an acceptable mode of payment
In case of cheque payment, TROT products would stand transferred in your name on realization of the cheque
Secondary market for TROT is actively promoted by the large global network of TROT agents
The buyers would be those interested in investment for good returns or interested in buying the project properties
TROT Realty expects ready market for all categories of TROT products
A large global network of TROT Trade Partners would function as Market Makers of the TROT products
As a Market Maker, they would provide ready ‘buy-bids’ for different categories of TROT products
They will buy any TROT products offered for sale
The purchase rate will be TROT system generated
Its computation will be displayed along with the bid offer
Market maker support at any time will be for a minimum 10% of the total value of TROT products sold
Most of the household TROT product holders would be holding it as a long term investment or for buying of any project property in future
Very unlikely
In such worst scenario, you may end up holding the TROT products till its recall date on which it can be surrendered for compensation
Yes, but only by non-residents
A non-resident can buy TROT products in any free foreign currency
He can sell the TROT products and remit the money in foreign currency to his account
A developer may offer TROT product in foreign currency denomination
It can then be purchased only in foreign currency
It can be sold only against payment in foreign currency
The compensation amount shall also be paid in foreign currency
It would help you eliminate any risk of adverse foreign exchange fluctuation
You can search for Foreign Currency TROT products offered by different developers
What is TROT Exchange
TROT Realty is a provider of an e-trading platform for execution of any transaction relating to any TROT products
It is not a Chit Fund
TROT Realty does not accept any deposit or collect any money on any account for investment
Yes. Your option.
You may buy some items on TROT terms and some without.
It is simply an e-com service provider for TROT products
It does not have any multi-layered agent network
It does not collect any deposit or sale any products to its agents
Its agents do not sale any TROT products but only provide advice to you as and when you require free of any charge
TROT Realty does not offer any scheme for investment
It only provides an e-com platform trading in TROT products sold by realty developers
It does not function as a ‘Clearance House’ for settlement of claims between different parties
Any registered customer can buy or sale TROT products directly and no agent or broker is involved in the transaction
It is simply a trade transaction between two parties
TROT Realty has worked out a tie-up with a reputed payment gateway to ensure direct payment to the respective parties
It does not collect any amount from any agent or any customer for settlement
It does not collect any deposit or contribution from any person for investment in any realty project directly or on behalf of any person
TROT product is not a ‘security’
TROT e-Trade platform does not “assist” TROT product holders in concluding any trade
It merely provide a platform to execute any TROT Transaction and functions as a record keeper for and on behalf of the developers
It is not in any way assist in execution as a party to any TROT transaction
No payment guarantees are provided
It is simply an e-commerce service offered for a charge or free of charge to TROT product holders just like any other e-commerce platform offered by many companies in the world today
TROT Realty operations are totally transparent
Every computation and business rule is displayed with great details
Any concerned parson can verify the computations and the information provided
The system provides for dependable audit trail and no transaction can be deleted or edited by any user, including TROT Realty without track
All transaction data and the system details are automatically saved through a data vault system
TROT Realty has elaborate system to verify the project details
Every project offering its TROT products is subject to
- Legal due diligence by top law firm/s
- Certification of the saleable built-up areas by a reputed Architect firm
- Verification and certification of availability of the required realty project approvals
- Project rating by a reputed accreted rating agency
- Financial due diligence by a reputed firm of Chartered Accountants
- Certification of the present market rates of the properties offered for sale under TROT terms by a globally reputed Realty market Consultancy company
- Fair estimation of the future rates of the properties covered under the TROT terms by the same Realty market Consultancy company
Maximum efforts have been taken to offer you a dependable TROT e-Trade Platform
It will be our continuous efforts to maintain a hacking free, bug-free system with constant updates
Regular system audit will be conducted and its report displayed on the web site of TROT Realty
Very unlikely
We have entered into a long term maintenance contract with a globally reputed IT company to ensure its long term existence and functionality
Even otherwise:
Every TROT transaction will be evidenced by a TROT Transaction Confirmation Note
It will be conclusive evidence of the transaction and will be binding on the developer and all the parties concerned
You are advised to save every TROT Transaction or take its print-out and preserve it
The developers will be under contractual obligation to honor their obligations even in absence of TROT e-Trade Platform
TROT Transaction Note shall be accepted as conclusive evidence by the developer
However, it may affect you as to its tradability and payment gateway functioning would be curtailed
Market Makers
- He offers to buy the units of TROT Products issued by any company (Its issuer) at a discount.
He may not place the offer for any issue. It’s optional. - TROT Market Maker offers to buy the units of TROT Products offered by its holders on the TROT Exchange platform at their benchmark prices.
He holds the stock till it is resold.
You can earn 1% to 3% every time you roll (Buy and resale) your investment in the new issue of TROT products Additionally, you earn a share in the advertisement revenue earned from the TROT Exchange e-platform Your annual returns on your investment would range between 18% to 39% depending on your investment
Visit to learn more: TROT Market Makers
Anyone from any country willing to invest the equivalent of $10,000 or more in TROT Products can register as TROT Market Maker.
The money remains with you for its investment in the different TROT Products as you wish.
No deposit and no fees is to be paid for your registration as TROT Market Maker.
You buy the TROT products directly from any TROT Exchange in your own name.
We’ll keep you informed of the new issues on offer.
Your money; your decision – Whether to buy and how many units to buy TROT Market Maker AI App to help you decide. Use it or leave it.
Not supporting as a ready buyer for the units of the TROT Products offered for the sale will automatically end your registration as the TROT Market Maker.
Any time at your will.
Your TROT Agro units get cancelled every time you sell on the TROT terms.
No separate payment is to be made.
There is no fixed schedule to sell the produce. You sell it against the orders placed with you.
No. Mr. Tidke holds the Intellectual Property Rights for the TROT Products. It cannot be generated and sold without
a license from him. It would be a criminal offence and such units cannot be traded online.
Mostly, to the households in Mumbai and Pune.
You would be selling the produce directly to the households against their orders booked on the TROT e-trading platform.
KIAF Supply chain assures its collection from your farm and its delivery to the homes.
No. It is a direct sale by you to the household. The money is credited to your bank account. There are no middlemen.
No. Only 30% to 40% of the quantity your farm has produced.
You are free to sell the produce in the market to any party at any price after meeting the orders for selling on the TROT terms.
If no yield for any reason, there is no obligation to sell on the TROT terms.
No. After meeting the orders for the sale on the TROT terms, you are free to sell the stocks to anyone at any price.
You need not keep any stock aside waiting for the orders for selling it on the TROT terms.
No. After meeting the orders for the sale on the TROT terms, you are free to sell the stocks to anyone at any price.
You need not keep any stock aside waiting for the orders for selling it on the TROT terms.
KIAF Supply Chain arrangement assures its collection from your farm-gate.
No. You may engage any services of your choice.
Yes. You may start selling it on the KIAF platform.
When the quantity of the produces agreed to be sold on TROT terms is completed by selling on the TROT terms, all your obligations under the TROT terms end. No money to be returned. It may take 8 years or even 12 years to sell the total quantity depending on the orders from the households.
When the quantity of the produces agreed to be sold on TROT terms is completed by selling on the TROT terms, all your obligations under the TROT terms end. No money to be returned. It may take 8 years or even 12 years to sell the total quantity depending on the orders from the households.
Yes. The members are to agree to the TROT terms and conditions for selling the produce in the future on the TROT terms.
Yes. The buyer needs to agree to sell the balance quantity of the produce on the TROT terms.
Alternatively, you may buy back the balance TROT Agro units earlier sold by you and cancel them. You do not have to sell anymore on the TROT terms.
- If your farm is damaged and cannot be restored to make cultivable again, you need not pay the compensation. KIAF may insure such losses or share the loss with the balance unit holders.
- If the payment is refused for any other reason, you shall be required to assign management of the farm to a third party.
The farm is returned to you after all the TROT Agro units to be sold to pay the compensation are redeemed on the future sales of the produce on the TROT terms.
There is no obligation to sell on TROT terms if:
- When you have already met the obligations for the season to sell on the TROT terms
- If there is a crop failure for any reason and the farm yield is less than 40% of the normally expected yield.
- Enlist the maximum number of the households as customers on the KIAF e-platform
- You are to promote sales of the KIAF farms’ produce
- You are to provide logistics to collect the goods from the hubs near the city and deliver it to the households in your area as per their orders
- Provide customer service support
- Promoter TROT product offers to the households
We can help you avail of a loan from the banks under the Govt. schemes and claim the capital subsidies if eligible.KIAF also provides interest-free quasi-equity funding up to Rs. 1 lakh as its contribution.
No.You do not pay any deposit or registration fee or royalty.
The farmers will be selling it directly to the households and others.
No. The sales are accounted for by the farmers.
Yes. You may sell to the hotels, restaurants, company canteens, educational institute canteens, food companies, and any other bulk consumers irrespective of its location but within the deliverable area for KIAF.
Any person with the flare of marketing and having an interest in learning. We are looking for young entrepreneurs preferably MBAs interesting in self-employment.
You may book the sales on other than TROT terms to any person within your area of operations.
The terms of the sale including the price will be provided by KIAF.
A KIAF Franchisee will be allotted an area within a city for enlisting the households as your customers.
It is required to avoid a clash with other franchisees operating in the same city.
However, the franchisees will be functioning as a network sharing revenue wherever required.
Please fill up the KIAF Franchisee Registration
Form indicating the city area for your franchisee operations.
Appointment of the franchisees will be at the sole discretion of KIAF management.
Yes. You can surrender the KIAF Franchisee at any time. No penalties or claims for the surrender.
Simply inform us and return the stocks.
If you have availed KIAF funding, you will need to return it without interest.
No. However, KIAF will consider your recommendation in the appointment of a franchisee in your place if you desire to exit for better prospects.
Yes. You may start selling it on the KIAF platform.
Supply Chain Participants
It’s a network of farmers and other parties supplying goods and services to directly sell the goods to urban households through KIAF franchisees. See ‘KIAF Project Theme’.
The network is established with the help of TROT Agro products as a binding factor.
- You may sell your own TROT Agro Products to mobilize debt-free long term funding for your expansion/modernization projects, working capital, or even for repayment of existing loans
- Capital customer base covering 30,000+ acre farms and the other supply chain participants
- Access to 1,500+ KIAF Franchisee network in Mumbai and Pune
Any individual/firm/co./co-op society/institution/agency, providing:
- Farm input – goods or services including the lab and certification agencies
- Agro Consultants including universities
- Logistics firms – warehousing, transportation
- Farm and its logistics-related equipment leasing companies
TROT Agro Product unit holders
Very easy.
- Register with us with your email ID or mobile
- Download TROT Products App
- Select the product, number of the units you want to buy
- Chose your payment method and pay
View How to buy TROT Products on YouTube
You can buy the agro produce at a pre-fixed price any time in the future.
An ideal investment avenue – good returns, high safety, ready liquidity
Visit: TROT Benefits for more details
- Sell them online from anywhere and get credit to your account instantly.
- You may nominate any other bank account subject to your confirmation.
- Ready buyer support from the Market Makers
- We are endeavoring to establish TROT ATMs to meet your urgent cash needs arising anywhere in the local
TROT Products are ideal DeFi products converted into NFTs for global trading through the decentralized Blockchain network and serviced by the licensed TROT Exchange platforms worldwide.
It assures total safety to your investment against fraud.
View ‘TROT Safety‘ to know how your investment in its value is well protected
Farm fresh vegetables, fruits, and food products
Our franchisee will be there to provide any household items you need.
Just download the TROT App. Our franchisee will help you register the details if required.
Tap/click on the cart icon and proceed to buy
TROT System will ask you to confirm with details of the TROT Agro units and their value to be redeemed
It’ll also show the saving you have made by buying the TROT terms
Confirm and proceed to pay the pre-fixed price. See the illustration
Yes. Your option.
You may buy some items on TROT terms and some without.
No. You may not hold a single TROT Agro and any other TROT Product.
You can buy any KIAF products and also avail services of our franchisee.
KIAF provides farm fresh with quality assurance.
You can view and select your produce online! Next day morning home delivery!
‘No question asked return’ policy
Pay online or by card or pay cash to our franchisee
If you are holding ANY TROT products, you get one month’s credit of the same value.
You pay without interest on the credit additionally within a grace period of 8-10 days.
You may need some items urgently. Our franchisee will deliver.
We endeavor to deliver in time.
In case of unavoidable disruption, our franchisee will buy it from the market to deliver at cost.
You can cancel your order at any time. No charge.
You may opt for a refund or buy something else.
- It is a freely tradable product representing one square ft built-up area in a realty project with an option to buy a realty unit in future on the TROT terms and at a pre-fixed rate
- It is a unique realty retail hedge product offering good returns, safety & liquidity.
- A person can buy even one TROT product at a time and build his/her stock over a period.
- He/she can resale it in the market at any time to liquidate his/her investment
- A TROT unit can be bought and sold just like gold on commodity market or any share or debenture on a share market.
- It is traded in d-mat format
- Just enter your user name and password and deal in TROT products on-line
- Backed by a secured by payment gateway
- Developer of the realty project sales its TROT products
- TROT product is backed by certain guarantees and warrantees as per TROT terms
- TROT products are generated out of saleable built-up areas through an agreement for its sale between the developer and TROT Realty
- TROT Realty holds exclusive licence for its Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs – including copyrights and patent rights) for this innovative, first time in the world product introduced in India
- TROT Realty generates offer rate based on certain mechanism.
- The developer is free to add premium to it and quote his own rate.
- TROT Realty circulate the offer amongst its Trade Partners.
- The developer may revise the selling rate depending on the response.
- You are free to quote any rate
- Our insurance cover against loss to TROT holders would be available only for the TROT products sold at a system generated maximum selling rate
- Comparative analysis with other similar projects is provided for the customers on line
- It is your risk of non-sale
- No
- TROT product holder need to pay additional amount as ‘pre-fixed rate’ per built-up ft2 area of the flat/shop/office space he/she wants to buy under the TROT terms
- Regularly up-date the project status
- Maintain TROT Floating Stock Level
- Maintain TROT Threshold Stock Level
- Open and maintain TROT Recall Deposit banking account
- Pay compensation on failure to deliver
- It is a rate at which the developer is under TROT contractual obligation to sell any flat/shop/office space covered under the TROT terms at a rate specified today.
- A TROT holder may ask for delivery of the unit at any time on or after the ‘Buy-date’
- ‘Buy-date’ is the end date of the TROT period
- Unsold stocks to be maintained as Floating Stock as provided under the TROT terms
- You are free to sale it subject to the deposit conditions
- For every sq. ft. shortfall in the floating stock, the developer is required to deposit the pre-fixed compensation amount in the ‘Recall Deposit banking account’
- The Floating Stock level is reduced by the corresponding byult0up area for which the deposits are made
- Unsold stocks of a category to be maintained as Threshold Stock under the TROT terms
- This built-up area can be sold only under the TROT terms to TROT product holders
- Unsold Threshold stock is freed and can be sold in the market after the ‘Recall’ date
Till the ‘Recall’ date’
- It is your contractual obligation under the TROT sales agreement
- Non-maintenance of the stock level would be a material breach of contract
- It would be result into forced recall of the all the TROT products
- On recall, the default compensation becomes due and immediately payable
- If the Floating stocks is fully exhausted, the developer has to buy back all the outstanding TROT products of that category
- The developer declares a date on or after which he will buy all the outstanding TROT products
- That date is called ‘Recall date’
- The ‘Recall date’ will be at a period not less than one month notice period
- The notice period is a ‘ window of opportunity’ offered to the TROT holders to buy the threshold stocks under the TROT terms
- TROT period is the period within which the project is expected to be completed
- It can be 3 years to 7 years depending on the project
- It is declared before any TROT products are offered for sale
- To illustrate, it is like selling today at Rs. 10,000 per ft2 or selling at Rs. 18,000 after 5 years
- If effective cost of funding or opportunities cost of the cash flow are considered, you would prefer to sell it today at Rs. 10,000/-
- Chapter viz. ‘Developers’ Benefits’ of ‘TROT Realty – A Complete Solution’ provides analysis with tables to illustrate the various benefits in detail
- Yes, any time after the ‘buy-date’
- But then he needs to hold the number of TROT products of the category equal to the built-up ft2 area of the unit
- He would surrender them to you for its extinguishment
- Thus, any TROT holder holding the required number of TROT products can ask for the delivery
- You are liable to pay compensation
- The compensation amount would be the market rate per built-up ft2, or
- An amount computed at 18% p.a., yearly compounded, from the date of sale of the TROT product
- By deposit of the aggregate amount due in the ‘TROT Recall Deposit bank account
- Respective banking accounts of the TROT holders would be credited
- The TROT products stand extinguished on payment of the compensation
- No.
- There can be different rates for residential, commercial and office spaces
- There can also be different rates for prime and non-prime areas within a project
- You can sell different categories of TROT products for each of such areas
- Each such category would have different selling rates and pre-fixed rates
- Yes.
- A limit would be set based on certain variables
- It would be about one product per sq. ft. covering 65% of the saleable built-up area
- It can be calculated per category of the built-up area separately
- After execution of TROT sales Agreement with TROT Realty
- You can any time thereafter provide TROT Data Sheet to generate TROT products of different categories for sale
- Register the same on TROT e-com platform
- Your TROT products are on sale
- We buy all your TROT products
- We retail them with direct credit to your bank account for each such re-sale
- E-com platform ensures that your bank account is directly credited
- D-mat transactions ensure that TROT products with unique ID are only sold.
- All transactions are transparent and you will have free access to all
- No tax is payable on buy/sale of TROT products by you
- It does not attract VAT or Transaction tax or Service tax or Excise duty
- Tax deducted at Source (TDS) provisions do not apply for buy/sale of TROT products
- All the payments will be made through a reputed payment gateway company
- All transactions are real time transactions
- Your sales realization is credited to your bank account directly from each TROT sale transaction
- You need to pay up-front on account of registration of the project under TROT
- The amount will be displayed on-line on data entry of your project details
- If you decide to withdraw, the up-front amount will be refunded without interest
- We promote re-sale of your TROT products at our cost
- Your additional cost is the difference between the TROT selling rate and the compensation amount as and when paid on its recall
- You may have notional loss in terms of the difference between the market rate and the ‘pre-fixed rate’, to be reduced by the TROT sale proceeds already realized
- Detailed all-inclusive cost estimations would be provided on-line on registration of your project
- For registration of your TROT products on our e-com platform, your need to obtain:
- Project rating from CRISIL
- Legal due diligence report from a law firm nominated by us
- Technical due diligence including saleable built-up area certification from an architect firm nominated by us
- Respective costs for the same to be paid by you
- The reports will be up-loaded by the concerned agencies directly
- TROT Realty will enter into TROT purchase agreement with you
- TROT buying rate, stock levels will be provided to you on-line for your acceptance
- Household investor support is expected for every TROT product on sale
- Please view ‘Investor Benefits’ to appreciate the market
- We promote sale of your stocks through our pan-India network of 50,000+ agents
- We do not give the guaranteeers
- TROT products are sold on the strength of your project
- USPs of the product attract investors with different needs
- We guarantee our transparent workings and our promotion inputs.
- A strong pan-India network of 50,000+ agentsmers
- Agents are from amongst sub-brokers, senior insurance agents, financial advisors, property brokers and MBA (Marketing/Finance) grads
- Every agent to have a minimum number of retail household investors registered under him
- Attractive agency commission and incentives are offered
- Special promotion campaigns for every new realty projects covered under TROT terms
- About 1% of the TROT sale value would be spent on promotion campaigns
- Reputed advertisement agency services are being roped in for strategizing and execution of the promotion campaigns
- Unlikely considering our pan-India large network of TROT agents and registered customers
- The TROT products are first offered to our network of Trade Partners for bulk sales
- They are promoted for sale to our registered customers
- You have option to recall all unsold stocks any time after one month
- Proportionate amount of the up-front amount paid to us will be refunded to you
- Access to your account is subject to user name and password
- The transactions will be executed after mandatory confirmations
- Many additional advanced algorithm based safety measures are provided
- We have most advanced security system to protect against hacking and system failure
- The system will be operated on a cloud processing platform of HP, a global IT giant
- All the transactions data will be maintained in data vault of NSDL
- It will guarantee that to no transaction data can be deleted or altered
- Very unlikely
- We shall be entering into a long term contract with a major software company to maintain it
- All TROT transactions are evidenced by a TROT Transaction Note as a proof of a legally enforceable transaction
- No
- We do not collect and manage any investment
- We only trade in TROT products. Buy in bulk as a sole buyer for its
- We provide our buy-back assurance to ensure ready market for the products
- Yes, for its sale to NRIs and PIOs
- Compensation payment would also be required to be made in the same currency.
- It is permissible under FEMA and RBI master circulars
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Ask your question. Our executive will contact you shortly.
Ask your question. Our executive will contact you shortly.
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