Banks manage the Corpus Fund Escrow accounts created out of TROT product sale proceeds. It is returned with income share to the seller of the underlying assets per unit of the TROT Products redeemed. The fund also supports the Market Makers by buying the product units for resale.
Retired higher court judges as Ombudsmen to resolve complaints of holders of the TROT products. Their decisions are binding on the enlisted concerns and TROTDFX.
Insurance Companies
TROTDFX may ask for the Contractual General Liability (CGL) policy from the sellers of the TROT Products to cover the risk of a shortfall in payment of the Recall Compensation
Asset Management Companies (AMCs)
Accredited AMCs to help recover shortfall, if any, in payment of the Recall Compensation; to be appointed by the ombudsman or the insurance company.
System Auditors
System Auditors
To protect TROT product holders’ interest against any system lacunae, unauthorized access, or bugs. It is also to report on diligent management of the Corpus Fund and certify the earmarked stocks and redemption of the units on TROT terms.
Market Makers
Market Makers
As ready buyers at its benchmark price assuring 24 X 7 liquidity for the TROT product holders with income. One need not be a high net-worth person to enlist as our Market Maker to earn a handsome income with almost no risk.
Service Providers
Service Providers
Professionals in law, audit, tax, QC, and domain experts for vetting and certifying the legal compliances of every project enlisted on TROTDFX offering to sell their TROT Products are enlisted as the Service Providers.
Depository Vault Cos.
Depository Vault Companies
To facilitate safe deposit of the gold jewelry for the generation of TROT Gold Products. They may accept the deposit of the artifacts for the generation of TROT Art products.
TROT Advisors
TROT Advisors
MBAs to answer your questions on the TROT Product. They may, additionally, function as Market Makers to help you liquidate your TROT Product holdings anytime.
TROTDFX e-trade Platform
TROTDFX e-trade Platform
For trading in TROT products in any currency with security assured by Blockchain tech. It can also execute swapping, gift, transmission transactions. It provides for AI-based verification & rating of the enlisted the Service Providers
Any concern across the world – a company, a firm, an institution, or a professional – may enlist on TROTDFX to generate and sell their TROT products covering a wide range of the assets, goods, and services offered for sale.
Our focus is to help the global middle-class households. TROT Products offer various benefits as a gainful investment of the monthly investable surplus without any minimum limit. It hedges the future family needs – healthcare, children’s education, buying a home, and many others.