A DeFi product tradable on TROT Exchange
Secured by Blockchain public network
Generated through an agreement with TROT Exchange
to assign the license to generate and sell the TROT
Product units of the licensee.
The agreement defines the rights of the unit holders
and obligations of the licensee
Your rights as a holder of the Units
To acquire the underlying asset anytime in the future
on payment of a fixed price and on surrender of ‘X’
number of the TROT product units
Claim Recall compensation in case of default assuring
minimum returns – check for CGL cover

TROT Products
TROT Products
Comparison with the different Project Funding options
Funding Sources | Legal Issues | Funding Potential | Fin. cost |
Funding cost | Equity Turning | Security needs | Control risk | Help in Marketing | Op. Freedom |
Own funding | Very low | Low | Nil | Very high | None | None | None | None | Very high |
Bank term loans | Low | Average | Low | High | Average | High | Average | None | High |
PE/VC funding | Low | High | Average | Very high | None | None | High | None | Very low |
Pvt. debt placement | Low | Average | Low | High | Average | High | Low | None | High |
IPO | Very high | Very high | Very high | High | None | None | Low | Average | High |
IPO Debt Instrument | High | High | High | Low | Average | Low | Low | Average | High |
Co. Deposits | High | Very Low | High | Low | Low | None | Very Low | None | High |
Private loan | Very Low | Low | High | Very high | Average | Very high | High | None | High |
Pre-bookings | Very Low | Low | Low | Very high | Average | Very high | very low | Average | High |
TROT Products | Very Low | Very high | high | Low | High | Low | Low | Very high | High |