Part 1: Provide the basic information of your organization

    (*) Marked fields are compulsory

    Limited liability companyPartnershipCo-operative societyTrust (Not-for-Profit)

    Check your email for the provisional enlisting details
    The process is divided into 5 parts
    • Part

      Provide the basic information

    • Part

      Operational data as required for TROT AI analysis

    • Part

      Due diligence certification from any enlisted service providers

    • Part

      Confirmations of the TROT terms offered

    • Part

      Your TROT product is listed on the global platform, and offered to the market makers

    Simple, fast, dependable

    See Notes
    See NotesLearn more

    Operational Data
    TROT AI system will analyze the operational and financial data to be provided by you in easy-to-fill data sheets specially designed for your business. It covers information on your present status, your past performance, and your projections of future operations. The data will not be shared with any third party. TROT AI system will conduct the risk analysis to arrive at the limits viz. the total number and aggregate value of the TROT products you can sell.
    Due Diligence Certification
    Due diligence of your business and the organization is required to be certified by a Chartered Accountant/CPA firm. You are to appoint a firm from among the ones enlisted on the TROT platform. The terms of the appointment, including the professional fees, are to be negotiated by you with the concerned firm. The firm shall upload its report on the viability in terms of meeting the TROT obligations. The due diligence will also include verification of the assets, liabilities, and a report on the origination. We assure you that your past banking performance, if any, will not be a deciding factor if overcomes by the future viability. You may provide for the settlement of the bank debts or any such liability in your projected cash flow.
    TROT Terms
    The terms will be worked out by the TROT AI system. It will provide for the maximum number of the TROT product units you can sell, the selling price per unit, recall compensation to be paid on recall. It will specify the services or goods or assets to be offered on the TROT terms and their respective pre-fixed prices, corpus fund contributions and its return for the units redeemed from time to time, default penalties, and such other terms. The transparent TROT system will help you see the workings and assumptions behind it. Your confirmation of the terms will result in enlisting your TROT products on the TROT platform for sale.
    Part 1: Provide the basic information of your profession

      (*) Marked fields are compulsory

      Check your email for the provisional enlisting details
      The process is divided into 5 parts:
      • Part

        Provide the basic information for your provisional enlisting

      • Part

        Operational data as required for TROT AI analysis

      • Part

        Due diligence certification, references, or sponsors, if required

      • Part

        Confirmations of the TROT terms, values, insurance

      • Part

        Initial listing, display global Offer Board of TROT Exchange, and offer circulation to the TROT Market Makers

      See Notes
      See NotesLearn more

      Operational Data
      TROT AI system will analyze the operational and financial data to be provided by you in easy-to-fill data sheets specially designed for your business. It covers information on your present status, your past performance, and your projections of future operations. The data will not be shared with any third party. TROT AI system will conduct the risk analysis to arrive at the limits viz. the total number and aggregate value of the TROT products you can sell.
      Due Diligence Certification
      Due diligence of your business and the organization is required to be certified by a Chartered Accountant/CPA firm. You are to appoint a firm from among the ones enlisted on the TROT platform. The terms of the appointment, including the professional fees, are to be negotiated by you with the concerned firm. The firm shall upload its report on the viability in terms of meeting the TROT obligations. The due diligence will also include verification of the assets, liabilities, and a report on the origination. We assure you that your past banking performance, if any, will not be a deciding factor if overcomes by the future viability. You may provide for the settlement of the bank debts or any such liability in your projected cash flow.
      TROT Terms
      The terms will be worked out by the TROT AI system. It will provide for the maximum number of the TROT product units you can sell, the selling price per unit, recall compensation to be paid on recall. It will specify the services or goods or assets to be offered on the TROT terms and their respective pre-fixed prices, corpus fund contributions and its return for the units redeemed from time to time, default penalties, and such other terms. The transparent TROT system will help you see the workings and assumptions behind it. Your confirmation of the terms will result in enlisting your TROT products on the TROT platform for sale.
      Part 1: Provide the basic information of your business

        (*) Marked fields are compulsory

        Check your email for the provisional enlisting details
        The process is divided into 5 parts
        • Part

          Provide the basic information for your provisional enlisting

        • Part

          Operational data as required for TROT AI analysis

        • Part

          Due diligence certification, references or sponsors, if required

        • Part

          Confirmations of the TROT terms, values, insurance

        • Part

          initial listing, display global Offer Board of TROT Exchange and offer circulation to the TROT Market Makers

        See Notes
        See NotesLearn more

        Operational Data
        TROT AI system will analyze the operational and financial data to be provided by you in easy-to-fill data sheets specially designed for your business. It covers information on your present status, your past performance, and your projections of future operations. The data will not be shared with any third party. TROT AI system will conduct the risk analysis to arrive at the limits viz. the total number and aggregate value of the TROT products you can sell.
        Due Diligence Certification
        Due diligence of your business and the organization is required to be certified by a Chartered Accountant/CPA firm. You are to appoint a firm from among the ones enlisted on the TROT platform. The terms of the appointment, including the professional fees, are to be negotiated by you with the concerned firm. The firm shall upload its report on the viability in terms of meeting the TROT obligations. The due diligence will also include verification of the assets, liabilities, and a report on the origination. We assure you that your past banking performance, if any, will not be a deciding factor if overcomes by the future viability. You may provide for the settlement of the bank debts or any such liability in your projected cash flow.
        TROT Terms
        The terms will be worked out by the TROT AI system. It will provide for the maximum number of the TROT product units you can sell, the selling price per unit, recall compensation to be paid on recall. It will specify the services or goods or assets to be offered on the TROT terms and their respective pre-fixed prices, corpus fund contributions and its return for the units redeemed from time to time, default penalties, and such other terms. The transparent TROT system will help you see the workings and assumptions behind it. Your confirmation of the terms will result in enlisting your TROT products on the TROT platform for sale.
        Part 1: Provide the basic information of your business

          (*) Marked fields are compulsory

          Check your email for the provisional enlisting details
          The process is divided into 5 parts
          • Part

            Provide the basic information for your provisional enlisting

          • Part

            Operational data as required for TROT AI analysis

          • Part

            Due diligence certification, references or sponsors, if required

          • Part

            Confirmations of the TROT terms, values, insurance

          • Part

            initial listing, display global Offer Board of TROT Exchange and offer circulation to the TROT Market Makers

          See Notes
          See NotesLearn more

          Operational Data
          TROT AI system will analyze the operational and financial data to be provided by you in easy-to-fill data sheets specially designed for your business. It covers information on your present status, your past performance, and your projections of future operations. The data will not be shared with any third party. TROT AI system will conduct the risk analysis to arrive at the limits viz. the total number and aggregate value of the TROT products you can sell.
          Due Diligence Certification
          Due diligence of your business and the organization is required to be certified by a Chartered Accountant/CPA firm. You are to appoint a firm from among the ones enlisted on the TROT platform. The terms of the appointment, including the professional fees, are to be negotiated by you with the concerned firm. The firm shall upload its report on the viability in terms of meeting the TROT obligations. The due diligence will also include verification of the assets, liabilities, and a report on the origination. We assure you that your past banking performance, if any, will not be a deciding factor if overcomes by the future viability. You may provide for the settlement of the bank debts or any such liability in your projected cash flow.
          TROT Terms
          The terms will be worked out by the TROT AI system. It will provide for the maximum number of the TROT product units you can sell, the selling price per unit, recall compensation to be paid on recall. It will specify the services or goods or assets to be offered on the TROT terms and their respective pre-fixed prices, corpus fund contributions and its return for the units redeemed from time to time, default penalties, and such other terms. The transparent TROT system will help you see the workings and assumptions behind it. Your confirmation of the terms will result in enlisting your TROT products on the TROT platform for sale.