Realty Sector
TROT Realty Product, each unit representing one sq. foot area – to help fund realty projects, lease capitalization without interest burden.
TROT Realty Usance Product, unique product, for funding the property cost and sharing lease revenue by retail investors; reduced impact of dry periods
- Township Development
Companies - Stand-Alone
Realty Projects - Property Leasing
Companies - Vehicle Parking
Projects - Property
Owners - Leased Property

TROT Recon product to help boost ICE car sales during this critical transition period; unique solution to fund leasing
TROT EV Power product to sustain EV Charging Stations awaiting break-even revenue generation
- Auto Companies
- Auto Dealers
- Auto Leasing Companies
- Auto Maintenance
- EV- Charging Stations

Plant & Machinery
TROT Recon product to help sales during the period of tech advancements; unique solution to fund leasing
TROT Maintenance product to help capitalize the future maintenance revenue; hedge the future maintenance costs
- Heavy Machinery
Maintenance - Machinery Leasing
Companies - Plant
Maintenance - Hard / Soft System

Transport Sector
TROT MT-km product for trucking and logistic companies – to fund capital costs and to sustain even long term disruptions
TROT Hub Services product for hubs, ports, and the service providers to fund capital costs and to sustain even long term disruptions
TROT Pass-km product for the buses, taxis to funds new acquisitions, and easily sustain off-season periods
- Bus Fleet Operators
- State Transport Corporations
- Trucking Companies
- Logistic Companies, Hubs
- Toll Collecting Agencies
- Depots & Maintenance
- Shipping, Container Companies, Sea Ports
- Taxi & tourist vehicle owners & operators

TROT Air-Pass Products to fund airlines operations and to meet the outgoes
TROT Airport Services product to fund modernization, expansion; projects with easy cash flow
- Airlines
- Air-Freight Companies
- Airport Companies
- Airport Service Providers

Sports & LifeStyle
TROT Sports Products, unique product, to help fund sports events and built facilities while helping boost sales
TROT Life-Style product to help fund apparel and other lifestyle young fashion designers-cum-producers by non-debt funding and promoting sales
TROT Art product to monetize your paintings … any artifacts
- Sports Clubs
- Sports Federations
- Sports Stadiums
- Fashion Designers
- Apparels & Accessories
- Artists
- Artifact Owners

Hospitality, Tourism
TROT Hospitality product to help fund expansion plans while improving occupancies
TROT Tourism product to help the sector sustain disruptions; non-debt funding of acquisitions and capacity building
TROT Recreation product for non-debt long term funding for recreation, adventure clubs
- Hotel Companies
- Resorts
- Health Clubs
- Cruise Operators
- Amusement Parks
- Adventure, recreation clubs
- Tourist Vehicle Operators

TROT Cine products for non-debt funding for film production, theatre renovation while promoting box office collections
- Film Producers
- Theatre Owners

TROT Education product to help fund expansions and to help make it affordable
TROT Books products to help you buy print and e-books at a most affordable fixed price
- Higher Education Institutions
- Universities
- Charitable Institutions
- philanthropic Persons

TROT Healthcare product to help fund expansions without the risk of loan default while offering affordable services
TROT Healthcare products by the doctor – to help young doctors to build skills and facilities with long term non-debt funding to be serviced from the future fees
- Hospitals
- Diagnostic Centers
- Dentists
- Medico Labs
- Implant Manufacturers
- Specialist Consultants

Agro Sector
TROT Agro Products for better realizations; funding farm development, farm gate value additions; to help farmers sustain season failures.
Dairy’s TROT Agro Products for non-debt funding of development costs; to help sustain disruptions for cow farms, mini or large dairies
Sugar-mill’s TROT Agro Products for non-debt funding development; help sustain season failures or market disruptions
- Agro-Processing units
- Dairies
- Sugar Mills
- Farmers
- Core farms
- Warehouses

TROT Power product to help fund expansions, modernization for power generating, distribution companies with long term nondebt funding
Unique ‘Bonus Units’ scheme
- Solar, Wind
Power Facilities - Power Distribution
Companies - Conventional Power

TROT Chatbots product to help the professionals establish the facilities and knowledge enhancement by non-debt funding; to be serviced out of the future fees
The doctor Chatbots to help young doctors to build skills and facilities with long term non-debt funding to be serviced from the future fees
- Law practitioners
- Accounting Professionals
- Doctors
- Architects …..
- Domain experts offering
services for fees

Non-interest revenue, deposit mobilization
Fees for management of corpus funds

Employee Benefits
TROT HRD Products to benefit your staff in the purchase of an apartment, children education, family healthcare, recreation
- HRD Initiatives

TROT Healthcare Sponsorships to help more number of the needy at affordable pre-fixed rates without exclusion of any procedures while helping build the facilities
TROT Education Sponsorships to meet education costs for deserving, needy students from school to professional courses while helping build the institutions
- Charitable trusts
- Philanthropic persons
- Social organizations
- Corporate Social Contribution
- Govt. welfare programs

TROT ATM Ads Products to advertise on ATM screens at pre-fixed rates; funds ATM CAPEX
TROT ATM products for availing safe-deposit vaults at a pre-fixed rent for 25 years; funds depository CAPEX
TROT ATM Product to avail the cash van services at a pre-fixed rate; funds CAPEX
- ATM Owners
- Depositories
- ATM Cash van
operators - Cash Management

Gold & Jewelry
TROT Gold Products
TROT Gold Notes
TROT Gold Options
TROT Rare-Earth Notes to monetize your rare-earth stocks without liquidating it and for no-risk investments earning good returns; anytime exit. The rare earth elements include Gold Palladium Silver, Platinum
- Households owning
gold ornaments - Gold
investors - Investors in other
precious metals